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Articles Tagged with


Lisa Shaw

Sellers and Makers
Sellers and Makers
Lisa Shaw

Season 2 Episode 2 of Sellers and Makers podcast

We get to know Lisa Shaw, educator extraordinaire, a little better and hear all about how she got started in this industry becoming an expert and teacher along the way. We had a great time chatting with her and hope you also enjoy listening too!

Welcome to Embrilliance

Welcome! – Bubbles’ Menagerie Machine Embroidery (

The Recap!

Sellers and Makers
Sellers and Makers
The Recap!

Season 2 Episode 1

with Cristina and Hope

We are back! In this episode, we recap the Chattanooga Everything Embroidery Market. We talk about our favorite things while we were there, vendors and machines. We also fill you in on what to expect with Myrtle Beach and how we are doing things a little different. Come join us! Find us online on Everything Embroidery Market!